The college runs Four-year BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS degree course of Patna University.
Course of Study: -
The four-year(Eight Semester) full time Degree course is divided into two parts :
(A) Foundation Course:
This course is of one-year duration and is common to all the students. This course provides basic education to lay the foundation for the specialization courses. The subjects taught are Painting, Sculpture, Applied Art and Print Making.
(B) Specialization Course:
After successful completion of above two- year foundation course, the student has to enroll in specialization course. The college offers Specialization course in the subjects as given below:
(1) Painting – The objective of the three-year Specialization course in Painting is to provide the student with training in the skills for original and creative visual expression.
(2) Sculpture – The techniques and processes of creating three-dimensional forms and images by carving, casting, construction or modeling etc.
(3) Applied Art – Applied Art is all about communication, art and technology. It basically deals in Advertising and graphic design, giving full exposure in print media, electronic media.
(4) Graphics / Printmaking– It is a form of artistic expression where the statement is made usually on paper, through emphasis online, marks or printed letters rather than on colors. It includes everything from drawing through print making of all kinds.
(C) History of Art: :
This paper is compulsory and is common for all Specialization. The History of Art covering different aspects of Art and History and its appreciation comprising Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Western Art. It also includes sources of History of art, utility, cultural heritage, art and archaeology.
At the end of 4th year(Eighth Semester), University conducts final examination and grants BFA degree in particular Specialization course to the passing students.